Seals, Chicks, and Planes
The three primary concerns in the life of a biologist on the Pribilof Islands of Alaska...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Pictures and Other Prizes

The reason for this day's success was that we were able to take some hard-to-get photographs of fur seals and sea lions. By "some" I mean several hundred. And that's not including

By this time we still had not reached the cormorant nest we were looking for, so after a few more seal shots we gave the camera a break and kept trekking. Then we came across a group of six steller sea lions. Of course, some photography was required.
In addition to getting great views of the island's furry occupants, Ram also found an intact glass float. This was cause for much celebration, as such floats are relatively unusual.
So, I believe that I've mentioned that the whole objective of this trip was to look for cormorant nests. More specifically, to look for chicks in cormorant nests. During all of this walking, Ram found a grand total of 1. That's right. 1 chick. (Actually...I stand corrected. It was 2 chicks. Although 1 chick sounds more dramatic). Once we finished walking the designated area (I think I should tell you that by "walk" I really mean hop, skip, jump, trip, stumble, and occassionally walk over the large rocks covering the beach), we decided to scramble up a relatively steep slope (most people would probably refer to it as a cliff) to get back up to the tundra and hike home.
Friday, August 25, 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I got up early this morning to drag myself to the airport and pile into an aluminum tube that would carry me through the air at relatively high speeds back to Seattle. Shortly after takeoff, or maybe it was during takeoff, I found myself wondering what had happened to my love of flying. You see, I remember piling into planes when I was 8, 9, 10, 11... eagerly anticipating the first jerks that indicated we had started to move. Somewhere along the lines, eager anticipation and thrill turned into resigned submission to hours of forced immobilization. What triggered my wonderings was the sound of a boy eagerly couting down the seconds as we picked up speed until he could at last exclaim "blast-off!" Of course, he had to count down from 5 several times before he actually got the timing right, but his enthusiasm didn't wane in the least. I'm not sure why flying has become such a tedious experience. I can say that having a bruised right butt cheek (the result of careless navigation across snot rocks the day before) didn't make the flight any easier, but I managed to enjoy myself anyway, and had a very pleasant conversation with my neighbor. And I have to say, it's good to be home.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
House 17
I don’t believe I’ve yet described the state of our current living accommodations to any of you. Well, that should be fixed. Imagine, if you will, a small house from the 1930’s with one primary story, an attic, a basement, and all of the quirky old-house features you can imagine. The main floor consists of a kitchen, dining area, bedroom, and living room. Oh, and the bathroom. The bathroom is easy to forget because it’s in the kitchen and it's about the size of our pantry at home. Strange, I know. It’s the only bathroom in the house and yes, when you leave you walk right into the kitchen sink.
Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006
Ouch...They Bite!

Once safely in hand, the bird is either held out to be banded (as seen in the above photograph), or tucked head first into the

All in all, we had a very successful day. A few of the birds gurged (yes, that is a good thing, although disgusting), and both Ram and I bled a little bit. But that's just bound to happen. After all, they do bite. You'll notice that the one that bit me in that first picture still had it's head in a bag at the time. Nonetheless, it managed to inflict some damage.

In closing, I'd like to direct your attention to the weather in these photographs. Notice the sunshine and blue skies...okey, the sky isn't really visible, but trust me, it was blue. We were sitting in a small patch of beautiful summer weather. Meanwhile, today's flight is waiting on weather hold. Sigh. I must say, though, that this was the first time we've really seen the sun in almost a month.

Sunday, August 13, 2006
WhenAir Strikes Again
It's been eight days since the last plane landed. Today was the first beautiful sunny day we've had in weeks. A flying no-brainer. For anyone but our beloved PenAir, of course. It would have been no problem, but the flight left Anchorage about an hour later than it was supposed to. That hour was the difference between clear skies and complete fog. Yes, the plane failed to land on the prettiest day we've had in August. Now we have a plethera of stranded travellers (15 to be exact) with weather that doesn't look terribly promising. PenAir says their sending two planes tomorrow to pick up all the standby passengers. I'm not holding my breath.
Friday, August 11, 2006
How Typical
I was thinking to myself this morning that it was awfully silly of me not to begin this blog at the beginning of the summer, instead of now, right before I leave. Surely most of the interesting developments happened weeks ago, and now I have to think back and try to recreate them. I was listing out all the different stories and events I should write about. I was also thinking about writing an ode to mist (in accompanyment to the fog dialogue from yesterday). I was thinking this as I was sitting on the cliffs at south, and realized that even my eyeballs were misted over and impossible to see through. But, the island had other ideas for this evening's topic.
So I went out to work in the fog early today, in hopes of making up some of our missed surveys. I came back around lunch time to find out that there was an oil spill in the harbor. Yes, our very own miniature Exxon Valdez experience. One of the barges punctured their fuel tank while they were loading or unloading in shallow water. For a brief while most of the harbor was covered in a slick, but things have vastly improved since then. By the time Ram and I made it over there, only the few feet closest to shore still had any real evidence of oil. Unfortunately the cleanup didn't happen quickly enough to save all of our feathered friends...they've already found a few dead kittiwakes. But hopefully those few will be the only mortalities. Ram and I did a search of the beach next to the harbor and didn't find any evidence of oil at all, let alone oiled birds. The way these little disasters just seem to follow right on each other's heels out here is quite incredible. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.
Fog is an incredible force of nature. I stand in awe of it. It has the ability to appear and disappear without warning, and inevitably does both at the worst possible moment. Today I got up at 7:30 (that's early for out here--it's barely even light at that time) to go start work on the seal rookery. I had a lot to do today. It was foggy. I knew it was foggy when I left the house. It's been foggy for days, this came as no surprise to me. I went to the rookery anyway. On the 10 minute 4-wheeler ride to the south side of the island, I saw little or nothing. I still wasn't worried, as the fog is often thinner at the water's edge, and it's not like I need to be able to see for miles in order to work. I hiked out to the rookery and found that I could in fact see enough to start my work without too much trouble. It was going to take longer than usual, but I could do it. Fast forward 30 minutes. I abruptly became aware of the fact that I was having more difficulting seeing the seals. I looked around and discovered that I couldn't even see the ocean anymore. This is not a good sign when you're sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking the water 35 feet below. I struggled through the section I was working on and promptly headed home. On the way back, I would have driven by the airport unaware of the fact that there was a runway if it weren't for the sign a few feet off the road. I returned to the village (where, of course, it wasn't foggy) to get some food. The rest of the day consisted of all of us (who have been unable to do the work that's been piling up over the last few days) sitting around and admiring the fact that we couldn't see anything. Then, at 9:15 pm, one of our housemates walked in and asked if we'd looked out the window. For the first time in five days we could see the cliffline all the way down the north coast of the island. It was an incredible sight. I could swear that moments before there had been nothing but hazy whiteness everywhere. We all started to wonder if we could get any work done before the light was gone. 45 minutes later, I could barely see the next building down from our house.